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The Added Bonuses of Maintaining Prostate Health - Increasing Semen Volume and Orgasm Intensity

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Prostate health is extremely important. Any man who has winced at the sound of their doctor’s gloves snapping on will tell you just how far they’ll go to ensure that their prostate is healthy, and what they do to examine their prostate’s health every other year. But many men feel that examinations aren’t enough; it’s important to be proactive when it comes to prostate health. A doctor’s cold finger in the bum is a necessary step in ensuring your prostate is healthy, but there are easier (and much more enjoyable) steps you can take to maintain your prostate’s health in between those dreaded doctor’s visits.

The Added Bonuses of Maintaining Prostate Health

Before getting into the added bonuses of maintaining a healthy prostate (and there are many), let’s take a closer look at the simple steps people can take to keep their prostate healthy.

1. Stay Hydrated

It’s amazing how simple this step is, yet it’s also one of the most important and overlooked. So many of our bodies' most basic functions can be thrown off or wondrously improved by our level of hydration. There’s a reason why drinking a healthy amount of water every day is common advice from most doctors. And the sad part is, despite most of us having ample access to clean water each day, many of us fail to stay hydrated at the optimal level.

Doctors recommend at least six glasses of water each day for optimal prostate health.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is key to a healthy prostate, but unfortunately, just like staying hydrated, so many of us have heard this advice all our life yet not enough people actually follow through and maintain a healthy exercise routine.

Our physical fitness affects all aspects of our lives and it is very important to keep a healthy exercise routine to ensure that our prostate (and the rest of our body) remains healthy as we age. In fact, Harvard Medical School has completed many studies which confirm that a healthy physical fitness routine through exercise has a very positive effect on prostate health.

3. Take Prostate Supportive Supplements

Even staying hydrated and exercising regularly isn’t always enough to ensure prostate health. This tiny walnut-sized gland is the tricky enigma at the heart of men’s health, so many people feel it’s important to go the extra mile to ensure their lucky walnut stays healthy. That’s why so many men take prostate-supportive supplements like Vitaliboost’s Load Boost to support them in prostate health maintenance.

The Load Boost supplement is made with natural ingredients such as Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, and Zinc. Together, these ingredients increase testosterone, sperm count, and improve male vitality. There’s a lot of science behind Vitaliboost’s formula, and it’s worth a conversation with your doctor to see if it’s right for you because many men have taken the boost and feel the difference — which brings us to the added bonuses of maintaining a healthy prostate.

There aren’t many men out there who have drunk so much water or exercised so much that they’ve experienced more intense orgasms and more powerful load sizes. That’s one of the reasons why taking prostate supportive supplements like Load Boost is such an attractive option to men who want to maintain their prostate health and also improve their sex life.

1. Cum Harder

Two of the key ingredients in the Load Boost formula are Selenium and Saw Palmetto. Coupled together, these ingredients have been proven to encourage forceful ejaculations. This does not mean maintaining a healthy prostate will make you cum faster, it means you’ll cum harder. Everyone wants more powerful orgasms, and here’s a perfect way to have a healthy, powerful orgasm while also maintaining the health of your favorite gland— the prostate.

2. Cum Bigger

One of the things about orgasming harder is that the volume of your semen will also increase. Generally, the more semen that shoots out, the more sensitive and powerful the orgasm is. the inverse is true too: the more powerful the orgasm is, the more semen shoots out.

Vitaliboost’s Load Boost formula increases the size of your load as well, which will ensure that you and your partner will be withering in pleasure when your load finally boosts out of you.

3. Cum When You Want

For many of us, cumming bigger and harder sounds great but it also sounds overwhelming. For those of us who already cum harder (and quicker) than we want, it’s daunting to imagine cumming even harder. We usually imagine that means we would be cumming even quicker, too. But that’s not the case when you take prostate supportive supplements such as Load Boost.

Having a healthy prostate means having better control of your orgasms. Despite more powerful and intense orgasms with mind-blowing volume, most people report having much better control over their orgasms when they have a healthy prostate thanks to supportive supplements. For some people, this means lasting much longer in bed because they are in control of when their mind-blowingly powerful orgasms occur. For people on the other side of the spectrum, this means having control over when they have a powerful orgasm, instead of having sex without ever reaching that fantastic finish.

Maintaining prostate health is as easy as drinking water, exercising, and taking a supplement. Load Boost's prostate supportive supplement makes maintaining prostate health easier than it’s ever been before. We all know now how easy it is to keep your prostate healthy.

What’s fantastic and noteworthy is how many added bonuses there are to maintaining prostate health. A healthy sex life is key to a life well lived, and taking supplements for prostate health have the added bonuses of increasing all of the aspects of cumming that make a sex life remarkable. Having more powerful, bigger loads (when you want to release them) is as much as many man can ask for — and it’s amazing that it all can happen while maintaining men’s health.


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